Vishwakarma Yagya for Success in Activity & Work Sept. 16, 2024

Vishwakarma Day

Sept. 16, 2024

Success in Activity & Work, Secure a Good Job,

Smooth Functioning of Machinery, Success in Arts & Crafts

Individual $41 / Couple $65/ Family $101

Significance of Vishwakarma Yagya

Vishwakarma is the “architect of the universe” according to Vedic tradition. The smooth functioning of the complex creation is credited to Vishwakarma and on this day yagya is performed to develop full potential of life and to promote progress and fulfilment. Special intentions supported on this day are success in activity, success in work, smooth functioning of businesses, machinery, success in arts and crafts, finding a good job, etc.

Our pundits will be performing the Vishwakarma Group Yagya on Vishwakarma Day Sept. 16, 2024.

The sponsorship for the yagya is as follows Individual $41 / Couple $65/ Family $101

We warmly invite you to participate in this once a year Vedic Holiday Yagya!

Register Online

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