Guru Purnima- Day of the Divine Master
Om Nad Gayatri Divine Sound
Group & Individual Yagya
July 24, 2021
Yagya for Accelerated Spiritual Growth &
Blessings from Masters of the Holy Tradition
Group Yagya Sponsorship:
Individuals $51 / Couple $75 / Family $125
Individual Special Intention Yagya Sponsorship:
1 Pundit Guru Purnima Yagya $75
3 Pundit Guru Purnima Yagya $150

Guru Purnima Day – Day of Spiritual Awakening – July 24
Our pundits are offering a unique yagya called “Om Nad Shiva Gayatri Yagya” this year on Guru Purnima Full Moon Day on July 24. During this yagya our pundits will chant the Om and Gayatri Mantras using special, breathing and mental techniques from the Vedas. This yagya increases sattvic or positive energy and increases spiritual power. The yagya will also include traditional Guru Puja and Guru Paduka Stotram to invoke blessings of our Divine Masters.
The full moon light in July on Guru Purnima Day penetrates the heart and mind. It wakes up the subtle impulse of devotion and spirituality. Each year on this day, it is traditional to honor teachers and gurus and make a commitment to renew our own spiritual quest. This yagya will fulfill both goals.
We are offering a group Om Nad Guru Purnima Yagya and well as the opportunity to have one or three of our excellent pundits perform especially for you and your special intention. Group yagya sponsorship is $51 for individuals, $75 for couples and $125 for family of 4. Individual yagyas options are: 1 pundit $75 and 3 pundits $151. Please register early to insure participation. Wishing you a blessed Guru Purnima Day!
Early registration is advised to insure participation.