Kumbh Mela Hari Har Ganga Group & Individual Yagyas Feb. 10 and 11, 2025

Once In 12 Years Opportunity

Experience the Blessings of the Kumbh Mela

Hari Har Ganga Group Yagya

for Prosperity, Happiness, Health

February 10 & 11

at Holy Kumbh Mela Prayagraj, India

Two Ways to Participate:

  • HariHar Group Yagya: Individual $51 / Couple $ 85/ Family of 4 $175
  • 5 Day Hari Har Individual Yagya & Saints Blessing Opportunity Feb. 8 -11 $325 (details below)
  • The Kumbh Mela is the largest spiritual gathering known to mankind. It is held every 12 years rotating between 4 different holy place of pilgrimage in India. This year from Jan. 13 -Feb. 26 the Kumbh Mela will be held at Allahabad, India at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati Rivers known as Prayagraj.
  • 400 million people are expected to participate including saints and sages from all over India and the world. The blessings of attending the Kumbh Mela include cleansing of sins and negative karma and attaining spiritual and material fulfilment.
  • Our pundits will travel to the Kumbh Mela (about 3 hours away from their ashram) and will perform the Hari Har Ganga Group yagya for our sponsors. This yagya invokes the blessings of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and the Holy Ganga river for Removal of Negative Karma, Happiness, Health and Prosperity. The sponsorship for this group yagya is higher to help cover the cost of travel and rental of a place for the yagyas to beheld: Individual $51/ Couple $85 and Family of 4 $175
  • Another very special opportunity is available for 5 people: Hari Har Ganga 5 day Individual Yagya. In addition to 5 days of chanting on your behalf, this yagya includes donation of blankets/shawls, gift of money and food to 21 of the saints and sadhus (wandering holy men and women) that will come down from the Himalayas and other remote places to bless those in attendance. This is a special way to gain their blessings. The cost of the Hari Har Ganga Individual Yagya & Donation to the Saints is $325
  • Please click this link to register for the HariHar Group Yagya or Individual 5 Day Yagya. Or email [email protected]. Thank you for your consideration!
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