Kamadhenu Wish-Fulfilling
Cow Puja on New Moon Day
Sept. 25, 2022
In the Veda, the cow is given special importance because it is said that all the the Vedic Gods and Goddesses reside inside the cow. It is said that the cow is the fulfiller of all desires. The above illustration depicts the mother cow as “Kamadhenu”- wish-fulfilling cow.
We have added two two sweet mother cows to the ashram. They provide milk which is an essential ingredient for our yagya performances. (see photo below)

Each month we will be offering a Kamadhenu Cow Puja. The propose the puja will to fulfil the desire of the sponsor and to bless the sponsor’s departed ancestors. Our pundits will perform this puja each month on New Moon Day. The Kamadhenu Puja for September will be on Sept. 25-New Moon Day.
In addition to bringing special and unique blessings to our sponsors, the Kamadhenu Puja will support the upkeep and protection of our ashram cows-see photo below. Sponsorship for your puja is $45 for Individuals / $65 for Couples and $95 for Family of 4